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Cape Buffalo in Selous

I visited Lake Manze Camp in the Selous game reserve last March just as the rains were beginning. We came across a lot of buffalo, some in large herds, and others small groups of solitary males. Although cape buffalo are peaceful in appearance they are one of the most dangerous animals in the bush, hence the nick name, Africas Black Death. Here are some pictures I took while on Safari.

Cape Buffalo in Selous

Lone Cape Buffalo right after a mud bath. Image has been edited using lightroom cc.

Cattle Egret on Cape Buffalo in Selous

Cattle Egrets and buffalo are old companions. This one is having a little dance on the back of an old bull.

Cape Buffalo in Selous

This chap is part of a herd of about 30 animals we came across. Buffalo will roll in the mud to help protect their skin from parasites. This fellow has had a bath in black cotton soil which drys almost white, giving him a nice face mask.

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