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Lake Manze - 6 visits in 8 years!

Elephant at Lake Manze camp in Selous

In February, Lake Manze Camp in Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania, was glad to welcome Bob and Ros from UK on their sixth visit in the last eight years!

Lake Manze camp in the green season

Lake Manze camp in the green season

Brown-hooded kingfisher at Lake Manze in Selous

Brown-hooded kingfisher at Manze camp

White-throated bee-eater at Lake Manze in Selous

White-throated bee-eater

Some respite for the animals has finally arrived with 80 and 90 mm of scintillating rain. The green grass and tree buds have popped up all over. The water is flowing into the Lake and the noises around Lake Manze are back to normal. Birdlife is prolific.

Hippo at Lake Manze camp

Our large hippo friends are normally found in the Lake as they laze about in pods with their extended families. One late afternoon a hippo came to visit us in camp as it slowly ambled up to the bird bath for drink. One of those right place, right time moments.

Elephant at Lake Manze camp in Selous

Elephants caught on camera trap at Lake Manze camp

Elephants in and around camp have been amazing. These gardeners have trimmed and shredded their natural garden here in camp to their hearts content. We have had groups of up to twelve Elephants, big and small, working in unison to keep the landscaping of our gardens on track.

Elephants in play fight, practising manouevres

Male lion relaxing at Lake Manze camp

Lioness in camp at Lake Manze

Lions relaxing in the camp area, where they stay close to where they know there is water

Lions have come, gone and returned as they followed the herds of Zebra and Wildebeest onto higher ground tracking their dinner into the unknown. The Manze pride was seen next to the main road after gorging themselves on a Kudu while on their trek back the Lake Manze. Special to see how the mother gives the young cubs the duty of preparing the meal before the feast. It seems they still have a lot to learn including the art of patience.

Wild dogs hunting near Lake Manze

Wild dogs were seen this month; watch the video by our guide Zacharia Mligo where it is clear how pack cohesion and planning make them formidable hunters as they move to ambush their intended prey.

teachers from the National Tourism College in Tanzania

teachers from the National Tourism College in Tanzania

Teachers from the National Tourism College hosted at Lake Manze camp

We are in the fortunate position that we are able to host some of the teachers from the National Tourism College on a complimentary basis here at Lake Manze Camp. These are the educators that teach the upcoming hospitality industry staff the theoretical knowledge they need for their future endeavours. They get an insight into what their students will experience and learn. We also host the students in camp for a three month stint to get their much needed practical experience. A combined knowledge base that will lead them on their chosen career path.

Its a good time to book your safari for the coming season which starts in June and ends in March 2018 - or indeed for the 2018-19 season. If you book now you can use the 2018 rates. And don't forget to ask us or your travel agent for the special offers. Feel free to contact us at for advice.


This was my third time at Lake Manze and it was as lovely and welcoming as I had remembered. When, my first time, I had an Elephant sleeping outside my tent, I thought it was amazing. This time Elephants kept me company throughout my stay and the thrill of seeing Lions on the way back after dinner was a real bonus. It was sad to see the effects of the long dry season but I left as the rains were breaking and in a few days it will be stunningly beautiful. A wonderful stay – Thank you to Shaun and Milli and the fantastic staff

Marcus Rutherford England

Our sixth visit in the last eight years. As magical as ever. We hope you get some rain soon but thought the water hole in camp was a wonderful addition and provided lots of excitement

Bob and Ros UK

Amazing experience. One of the memories to treasure for a lifetime. Milli and Shaun are perfect hosts and the staff are superb

Sue Perry UK

We came here for our honeymoon and it was truly an experience of a lifetime. Never seen so many animals up close. Appreciate the hospitality of the staff and enjoyed the food as well. Hope to come back in the near future.

Sho and Marie Japan

Very good four nights in camp. Malcolm is a superb host. Our driver Emanuelle and guide Alfred went above and beyond to find us game. Overall enjoyed the experience.

Paul and Sylvia Shilliam

Thank you for a wonderful stay. I really appreciate the personal input from the managers and staff and also the focus on conservation and sustainable tourism. Our guide Joseph was outstanding and took great care of us. I would be very excited to the have the opportunity to return and visit some of your other camps.

Amanda Vest Somerset UK and Boston USA


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