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Wonderful, wonderful safari

Elephant clos-up  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

News from Mdonya Old River camp in Ruaha National Park.

We always advise our guests to keep their eyes open for animals when in camp as you we get a lot of them passing through, using the old sand river as a corridor. There is usually grass there, as there is water below.

African wild dog - photo by Gerard Desroches

African wild dog - photo by Gerard Desroches

Sightings in camp have certainly been exciting this month, the highlight was during breakfast one morning. Imapala were running past in front of us followed by two wild dogs!! Sadly the dogs didn’t hang around and ran on and despite trying to follow them by car we lost track of them.

Lions walking through Mdonya Old River camp in Ruaha - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Lions in camp  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Young lion cub  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

sleepy lion  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Look me in the eye!  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Look behind you!  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Just a few nights before this we watched as 10 lions and cubs from the Mdonya pride walked along the old riverbed.

Leopard walking through Mdonya Old River camp in Ruaha - photo by Prakash Gariya

Leopard walking through Mdonya Old River camp in Ruaha - photo by Prakash Gariya

Earlier in the month we had a couple of special visits by a big leopard in camp. First he walked past our guests, who were enjoying a private dinner in the riverbed, an incredible end to their evening which we are sure they will never forget. On the second occasion one of our guests was woken at dawn by the sound of impala snorting an alarm call right in front of his tent, so he got up and peered out just in time to see the leopard walking right up to his veranda and then running off into the bushes!

Buffalo and zebras grazing in the Mdonya sand river  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Zebra grazing in camp  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Black-backed jackal in Ruaha  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

Elephant in Ruaha  - photo by Rebecca Phillips

A big herd of approx. 400 buffalo have been seen a couple times in the Mdonya river near camp. Many herds of elephants have been drinking from holes they have dug in the sand river, herds of zebra are grazing, a python and many other sightings have proved that the Mdonya woodlands has been the place to be this month.

Thank you to Prakash for sharing his excellent pictures with us.

Watch the video of a lioness stretching before a nap:


Stunning three day visit, enjoyed by the Pottinger family. Exceeded all our expectations with lots of game, great guiding and explanations of the game and surroundings. Good food and company contributed to the perfect visit.

Steve, Carol, Ross, Laura and Natasha, 01.01.17

Words cannot do it justice but this experience has been absolutely wonderful. The camp, the staff, everything. I am very lucky and grateful to have spent the last few days here. I will cherish these memories for years to come.

Michael, 02.01.17

The experience I had here was incredible and unlike any other. Going on safari was something I’ll never forget. The service and attention to detail by all the staff here is amazing. Our guide, Jumanne, had an immense knowledge about zoology, the plants and animals in the park, and the history of the area. It was very interesting to listen to and I learned a lot from both him and the camp staff. Thank you for all the memories and the wonderful stay.

Marissa, 02.01.17

Thank you for a wonderful time. Great show! Wonderful food! The guides were excellent!!!

Aleksandra and Marco, 07.01.17

What a wonderful wonderful experience. Had the most amazing time. Everyone so friendly and helpful and so knowledgeable!! Thank you.

Sally and Fletcher, 23.01.17

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