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10 Great Black & White Wildlife Photos

Though no-one can argue the advantages of a good colour photo, for pix of wildlife, black and white brings out the detail as in no other genre. Here are 10 favourite shots taken by Sven while out guiding safaris in the wilds of southern Tanzania.

For more pix and info on these real and special safaris please go to

Leopard yawns

Sven captures the yawn of a leopard in Ruaha National Park

Greater Kudu in Ruaha

Magnificent horns of a Greater Kudu in Ruaha

Three cheetah in Ruaha

Three Cheetah are fixed on something moving nearby - in Ruaha National Park

Banded Mongoose

A Banded Mongoose perched upright surveying the scene


Zebra with Acacia tree in background

Lion cub

Young lion cub - eyes focussed on the photographer

Elephant close up

Close up of an elephant's eye

African Wild dog

An African Wild dog focussed on its prey - Selous Game Reserve

Yellow-billed storks in Selous

Yellow-billed storks perched in a dead tree

Fish eagle taking off - Selous

African Fish eagle coming down for a catch - Selous Game Reserve

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