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A wild wild place... Mdonya Old River

Magnificen lion in the early morning sunlight - photo by Rebecca Phillips

The Milky Way from Mdonya camp - photo by Andrea Pompele

July News from the camp.

Cool winds have blown reminding us that we are in winter and the leaves are beginning to fall off the trees, the nights have been very clear making for wonderful star gazing.

Mdonya Old River camp looking towards the viewpoint in Ruaha

Elepyhant stretching up for those tasty Faidherbia albida fruits!

The colourful pods from the Apple ring - Faidherbia albida trees have started to fall and the impala, elephants and zebras are often seen at the base of the trees eating the fallen pods.


Kudu and other grazers in the Mdonya sand river

The water table remains high compared to this time last year, the Mdonya waterfalls are still flowing, scattered waterholes are still holding water and lonely hippos can even be found in some of the bigger ponds.

Buffalo herds return to the Mdonya area in Ruaha

Hammerkops flying over buffalo, Ruaha

The lion king - Ruaha

Ruaha - lion queen resting

The buffalo herd has remained in the Mdonya area and on occasions we have been able to hear them from camp. Carnivore sightings have been fantastic and on two occasions our guests were lucky enough to watch a pride of lions hunt, kill and eat their prey.

Ostrich couple in Ruaha

Ruaha Lion on an elephant kill

Only 5 minutes away from camp there was a good sighting of a cheetah, an unusual sight in our woodlands.

A new game viewing track that our drivers and guides recently opened has become a popular track provided our guests with interesting sightings of leopards and 2 male lions eating a young elephant.

Caracal, Eland, wild dog and some other rarely seen animals such as “Mr Porcupine” delighted us with special sightings as well as a thrilling fight between 2 Egyptian Mongoose and a Puff Adder.

Ruaha Zebra

Baobab tree silhouette in Ruaha


Thanks for such a fantastic time! Excellent service, hospitality, guiding and company (and facilities). Couldn’t fault you. All the best and keep up the good conservation work.

Alex and Collene, 05.07.16

Asantissima sana! It has been a great experience from the first moment! The nature, the animals we saw, the location, the food, the people, everything has been great and wonderful! Elisa and Sara thank you all for your kindness and we hope to come here soon. Very knowledgeable guide and staff. We have been very lucky too, lions and leopard, elephants and giraffes so close! Andrea thank you for the welcoming and nice stay, we very much appreciated the Italian style! Thank you to you all, Rebecca thanks for the ‘sky tour’ and wonderful evening by the fire.

Elisa, Sara, Stefie, Sebastiano 13.07.16

Asante sana, we had so much fun and really enjoyed our stay from the moment we’ve been picked up from the airport to the end. Peaceful and so much attention, details, smooth. We definitely come back! Thank you.

Thuytta, Jocelyne and Esteban, 16.07.16

Dear camp, what a great time we had in Mdonya! Dismass and Sudi showed us so many beautiful places and animals! Every day was different and we enjoyed every trip so much. We’ve seen loads of animals and were especially happy to see lots of lions. And then the food and your kindness made it complete! Thank you!

Vincent, Marjan, Maud and Jeroen, 19.07.16

See more about this camp in Ruaha National Park at

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