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Lions and Wild Dogs at Lake Manze

Lions with Zebra kill, photo by Rebecca Benson

Lions with Zebra kill, photo by Rebecca Benson

This newsletter is from Lake Manze Camp in the Selous Game Reserve and was written in June this year. The green, green grass of home. That is what greeted us all on our return after the good rains the Selous experienced during the rainy season.

Lake Manze Camp boats on the lake

Lake Manze Camp boats out on the lake in the beginning of the 2016 Season

Elephant near a tent at Lake Manze camp

Elephant coming for dinner at Lake Manze camp

Elephant hiding in the undergrowth at Lake Manze camp

Elephant after a mudbath near Lake Manze

Nature does not change and everything felt exactly the same as when we left at the end of last season. There was a hive of activity in camp by all staff for the preparations and maintenance to be done before we could reopen on the 1st of June 2016.

Laygos made a brief appearance on a couple of occasions but it seems that with the plentiful food and water around he is on the move. The other group of one tusk Elephants have been around a couple of times enjoying what Lake Manze has to offer.

African Wild Dog by Stef Schliekelmann

Selous African Wild Dog by Stef Schliekelmann

Selous African Wild Dog by Stef Schliekelmann

Selous African Wild Dogs by Stef Schliekelmann

The guest experiences and sightings have been exciting and memorable from two packs of wild dogs in one day to the witnessing of the Manze pride taking down a zebra and a wildebeest. Seeing the young Manze pride cubs ripping into the fresh kill is a revelation knowing they have survived without our presence.

Lioness with missing tooth by Shaun O'Driscoll

Lion cub of the Manze pride - Shaun O'Driscoll

Hopefull Hyena waiting his turn

Vulture hotel by Shaun O'Driscoll

Vulture hotel by Shaun O'Driscoll

Many vultures were in attendance waiting for their chance to gorge themselves with a couple of Hyenas lying low in anticipation of the feast to come.

Various Leopard sightings in different areas have had the guests’ tongues wagging with excitement as they relay their stories during dinner

See you all soon!

Safe travels.

Shaun, Milli and the Lake Manze team

Black-headed finch in Selous

Black-headed finch - photo by Faris Algosaibi

Guest comments

Asante sana and nzuri sana are totally inadequate to express the wonderful time we have had here. Your hospitality, the glamping and safaris – brilliant. Our sincere thanks to Kalisti and Ally for showing us the kill by the Lions and showing us so much. Thank you Milli and Shaun for all the thought you have given to the comfort and hospitality of your guests. You are truly great hosts. So sad to be leaving but take amazing memories with us.. The BensonWallbridge family (Melbourne, Perth Australia + Dar Es Salaam

Northern carmine bee-eater - photo by Faris Algosaibi

Northern carmine bee-eater - photo by Faris Algosaibi

Asante sana to Millie, Shaun, Eli and Abuu and all the rest of the wonderful team for making our holiday magical and something to remember forever. Your help and kindness has been invaluable to help Paul’s recovery and put a spring back into his step-and all the animals were just the cherry on top. Hope to see you again. Christel and Paul Norris UK

Collared palm thrush at Lake Manze Camp - photo by Faris Algosaibi

Collared palm thrush at Lake Manze Camp - photo by Faris Algosaibi

The most amazing place. Everyone at the camp is so welcoming and service is brilliant. We were made to feel at home. The guides and drivers are incredible at what they do. Our hosts Milly and Shaun are wonderful and this being our honeymoon, they made it very special for us. Thank you. We are going away with so many memories from Elephants in camp to being so close to many beautiful animals. So sad to leave, we will definitely be back. Carolin and Tom Arkell UK

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