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6 Super Spices That Will Keep The Doctor Away!

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Spices do not only make our foods tasty, they're also very important for our health. They don't add calories, taste great, easy to use, and most importantly, they have amazing health benefits. Did you know that spices are powerful antioxidants? There are six super spices. A couple of sprinkles a day can keep the doctor away.

However, the following guidelines won’t be medical suggestions, therefore, please do not use them in place of medical opinions

  1. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is the most widely known spice among the group. Just one fourth to one half of cinnamon per day lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, cinnamon strengthen the cardiovascular system thus it protects against heart diseases. Traditionally, cinnamon has been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. As for the ladies, cinnamon relieves menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.

  2. Ginger: Ginger has long been renowned for its use in cooking. But, did you know that ginger has many health benefits? Ginger can stop nausea and relieve heartburn and bloating. Research and studies have shown that ginger can relieve migraine and morning sickness. When an individual catches a cold, the best remedy is to make ginger tea.

  3. Dried Red Pepper: Dried red pepper lowers the risk of skin and colon cancers. Studies support that by adding dried red pepper on our meals, it helps us eat fewer calories. It won't hurt to add a little bit of dried red pepper on a slice of pizza or in pasta.

  4. Nutmeg: The Chinese use nutmeg oil as the remedy to relive pains. Nutmeg treats inflammation and abdominal pain. Got toothache? Don't panic! Try to apply nutmeg oil on the gums. It will works like a miracle. Besides treating toothache, nutmeg is very effective in bad breath treatment. If you put skin care as one of your priorities, then you may want to incorporate nutmeg into your regimen. A scrub of nutmeg removes blackheads. With the usage of nutmeg, your skin will be smoother and healthier. Lastly, if you cannot fall asleep, try to drink a cup of milk with nutmeg powder and honey. This will help you relax and induce sleep.

  5. Cumin: The health benefits of cumin for digestive orders is known throughout history. The aroma of it activates our salivary glands in our mouth, facilitating the primary digestion of the food. Cumin is rich in iron and vitamin C, which are important for good immunity and keep the cold away. Calcium is also found in cumin. It is very good for lactating mothers. Cumin can also treat insect bites!

  6. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, an active component which may stop cancer from spreading and help prevent type 2 diabetes. It is useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. A natural painkiller! It has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.

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