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Dream Island Safari

I love the background to the Fanjove Private Island story. The owners negotiated with the local fisherman to create a marine reserve - very much like Chumbe Island off Zanzibar. In doing so they saved the corals around the island and now a few years later the coral has regrown, and there are 11 km of untouched, paradise reef.

The fishermen have a stake in this, they get a fee for every visitor who comes to Fanjove, which is in the Songosong archipelago not far from Kilwa, off the southern coast of Tanzania.

relaxing paradise at Fanjove Private Island

evening dining at Fanjove

One can go there now and enjoy the pristine beach and sea - there are only 6 bandas so it's not exactly crowded!

As these kind of places go its really good value too, run by Essential Destinations whose main mantra is to protect the environment.

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