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A great boat safari on the Rufiji

African Fish Eagle on the Rufiji

Boat Safari on the Rufiji

With one of our private camping groups in the Selous Game Reserve this season, (see ) we had a fantastic boat safari.

We normally spend half a day on the water with each group, exploring the river and lake systems which make this wilderness so uniquely special. Even a full day on the water is possible, with a delicious bush lunch set up on a sand bank.

We had some wonderful close encounters. A Crocodile dashing across the sand, to re-enter the water. There were Hippo out of the water. A herd of Elephants swimming across the Rufiji. Some White Fronted Bee-eaters nesting in the river banks.

Crocodile making a run for it
Hippo by the Rufiji
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Rufiji
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Rufiji
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Rufiji

Fish Eagle fishing
Yellow-billed Stork

The guide got some great shots of birds on the wing (a Yellow Billed Stork and a Fish Eagle).

A boat safari is a great way to get up close to the game for some exciting encounters, and it makes for a fabulous way to see the park from a different perspective.


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